DevSecOps+: Secured Software Delivery Pipeline with EKS

In this section, we will set up a CI/CD pipeline with AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild. Our CodePipeline pipeline will take our code from S3 and scan the code and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) for vulnerabilities. Then it will build a docker image and scan for OS and package vulnerabilities. Then it will push it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Then we will deploy it to a staging and production environments1x that runs on an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. At each stage, Lacework protects your application and cloud environment.

What We Will Do

  • Review the CI/CD architecture.
  • Review the CloudFormation template that was used to set up the lab.
  • Inspect the configuration of CodePipeline, CodeBuild, ECR, EKS and Lacework components.
  • Execute the pipeline manually.
  • Understand how Lacework protects your DevOps pipeline and multiple stages.

