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AWS Immersion Day with Lacework


The Lacework Cloud Security Platform delivers comprehensive and continuous end-to-end AWS security and configuration support for both workloads and accounts running in cloud environments. As more organizations move their critical workloads to the cloud, there is an increasing need for a single, unified solution like the Lacework Cloud Security Platform that can identify, analyze, and report on misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and behavioral anomalies in user and account behavior.

This session includes several modules that explore different aspects of your software delivery and cloud operations:

  • Deploying seamless multi-account management for cloud security on AWS
  • Securing your software delivery process with shift-left DevSecOps best practices with AWS developer tools
  • Implementing a security operation workflow for AWS cloud environments

While exploring these topics we will show you how Lacework integrates and protects you and your AWS services:

  • AWS CodePipeline
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • AWS Security Hub
  • Amazon Control Tower
  • AWS CloudFormation

The examples and sample code provided in this session are intended to be consumed as instructional content. These will help you understand how various services can be architected to build a solution while demonstrating best practices along the way. These examples are not intended for use in production environments.

Thanks for joining this session and let’s get started!

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